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Fall or spring, your skin needs some moisture. But how can you choose a proper one considering that there are so many products out there? How do you make the decision to buy the best skin remedy for you?

4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home AllOntarioSome professionals will advise you into buying their brand, but let’s be honest, most of the time, that’s because they get a cut of that share. When you stop and think about it, the best way to ensure that you got the best product for you is to do it yourself. This is why this article will discuss DYI herbal remedies that you can create on your own. If you haven’t tried this yet, it’s time you learn a new skill and expand your horizons! Check out these simple methods.

4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home

1. Mix olive oil and sugar for the perfect scrub

You can make the perfect scrub using olive oil and sugar. It’s cheap, easy, and quick to make, which is the perfect combination if you are caught up in endless projects. Get half a cup of sugar and combine it with two spoons of olive oil. This is all you have to do! If you want, you can add some fragrances such as lavender or mint (you can search for essential oil fragrances online) to give it a nice smell.

Other easy to make scrubs to exfoliate your skin:

  • Coffee scrub – you need half a cup of coffee grounds, two spoons of water, and a spoon of warm coconut oil. Mix the coffee with the hot water and then add the coconut oil. When the consistency is just right, the mixture is ready to use!
  • Sea salt scrub – half a cup of sea salt, half a cup of oil. Mix them together until the consistency feels right. Add essential oils for fragrance.
  • The green tea scrub – you’ll need two green tea teabags, half a cup of hot water, a cup of sugar, and a quarter cup of melted coconut oil. Make the green tea, add coconut oil and sugar, mix them together. Make sure the tea is cool, so the sugar won’t dissolve in water. Add more oil or sugar, depending on what you want the consistency to feel like. Use brown sugar for best results.
  • Honey & sugar mix – half a cup of sugar, a quarter cup of coconut oil, and two spoons of honey. mix them together, add coconut oil until the consistency feels right.

These homemade scrubs are perfect for your skin and, as you can see, super easy to make. However, you should not use them if you are swollen, have broken or red skin, or are recovering after a chemical intervention. Make sure you stay safe and sound.

4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home AllOntario2. Make your own honey oatmeal facemask

Honey is one of the smoothest remedies that you could use for your skin. It is mostly used for dry skin, but it will bring benefits for you either way. It will leave your skin glowing and shiny. Experts recommend organic honey for maximum benefits, but you could use any type if you don’t have the budget for that. It will be of help to you either way. The honey oatmeal facemask can be used as a remedy for dry skin, but it can also be used for acne problems. Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory, so it should be the perfect remedy for sensitive skin. This mixture takes no more than five minutes to make and it is highly beneficial for you. you will need two spoons of oats, half a spoon of lemon juice, two spoons of honey, and essential oils (optional). The steps are as follows. You grind the oats, mix them with lemon juice, essential oils, and honey. When the consistency is right, apply the mask and let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove it with cold water and voila! Your skin looks clean and brand-new, doesn’t it?

4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home AllOntario3. Tea leaves toner for your skin

A tea toner won’t contain any chemicals or harsh substances, which makes it the perfect remedy for your skin. As I said earlier, you can create it on your own and make sure that it is as natural as possible. A tea-leaves toner can be used for all types of skin, including dry and oily. The recipe is simple and can be quickly made at home.

  • Use a cup of hot water to set the basics.
  • Add about a spoon of fresh tea leaves and let it sink in for an hour or more (not more than 90 minutes).
  • Remove the leaves from the consistency once the time is up and store it in the fridge until it’s not as hot anymore.
  • Then take your toner and put it into a spray bottle.
  • Cleanse your skin with it once you are ready!

An extra tip from assignment help coordinator and skin professional, Jamie Watson: You could add lavender oil or other essential oils for a better smell. You could also add Aloe Vera to your mixture to make it fresher. Think outside the box! Add whatever you feel like it’d match!


4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home AllOntario4. Creamy avocado for everything!

Avocado is one of the best remedies for your skin. It gives it the protection that you need and makes you feel brighter in general. Avocados are also an amazing source of Vitamin E, which is highly beneficial for your skin. This mixture could be used for your face, body, or as an eye-mask, depending on what you are going for. So, here we go. Have an avocado handy, peel it and smush it. Then mix it with olive oil and add about a tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Then apply the mixture to your skin and leave it no more than 20 minutes. Wash it off with hot water.


Your skin produces sebum, but this sebum can be easily lost during the day, especially during the cold season. Therefore, you must replace it with your own moisturizers and ensure that your skin stays healthy and soft. For best results, try the above homemade remedies!

4 Best Herbal Remedies for Your Skin You Can Make at Home AllOntarioAbout the Author:

Leon Collier is a freelance writer from the UK. He currently works for college paper writing service and loves to write about everything: pop-culture, travel, self-development, education, marketing. When Leon is free from giving dissertation service, you can find him behind a pile of books, he loves to delve in. Follow him on Twitter @LeonCollier12

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