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Have you ever considered hiring an intern? It’s about time. The intern can be a valuable asset to your business and can add a competitive edge to it at little cost to you.

Maybe the advantages of hiring an intern that we listed below will persuade you to seriously think about it:

  1. Interns bring fresh ideas: Your business can benefit from new ideas and a fresh look at the-way-we-have-always-done-it.
  2. Interns can re-energize your current team: Generally, interns are eager and motivated workers who are focused on making a career and achieving big goals. They take on an internship in hopes of accomplishing something. All of that can help to re-charge the battery of your entire business.
  3. Interns could be your permanent employee because you can equip them with the right skills and experience. Remember, it is only a trial period that could lead to something more. During this time you’ll have a chance to see how much potential the intern has, how they communicate their ideas and how good is their work ethic. At the end of the day, you might choose to bring them on as paid employees.
  4. Interns can increase productivity and efficiency by distributing the workload; they can be a great help with projects or tasks that you are struggling to complete.
  5. Interns are at ease of use with technology: Social media, computer programs, iPads – these are a piece of cake for them; it’s their routine.

As a conclusion: Hiring an intern can be a proactive approach to creating new opportunities for your business. It is a win-win opportunity.

Service Canada has a wide range of programs and incentives that may be available to you for hiring an intern. Explore your options for a good fit.

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