Driver Records in Ontario

Driver Records in Ontario
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What you should know about driver records in Ontario

Getting a Driving Record: Because of privacy/security issues, personal driving record information, such as your driving status (including suspensions, demerit points, etc.) can only be provided at the offices of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. Address information is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and is available to Authorized Requestors only.

The following records you may order online at ServiceOntario Driver and Vehicle Online Services

  • Statement of Driving Record: This is a 3-year snapshot of a driver’s history. Contains driver’s name, licence number, class, expiry date, conditions/restrictions, height, date of birth, gender and status information, driver’s Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions reinstatements over the past 3 years as well as conviction dates, earliest licensed date available, demerit point total and medical due date for commercial drivers. Available to anyone, however, no residential address information will be provided.
  • Accident Report: Contains information about a specific accident, including names of the drivers involved and a description of the vehicles as well as road conditions at the time of the accident.
  • Driver Licence History (DLH): Current and previous driver history information. Contains driver’s name, licence number, licence class, expiry date, conditions/restrictions, height, date of birth, gender, and status information. Includes a list of addresses, replacements, renewals, class changes (including G1, and G2 dates) and any other amendments and respective dates, Beginner Driver Education Course Completion Date, earliest licensed date available and serial number of licence. Only available to the driver themselves, law enforcement and other restricted government agencies. Please note that a Licence History Search without addresses can also be obtained at ServiceOntario Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Offices.
  • Statement of Driving Record (5 Year Restricted): This is a 5-year abstract. Contains driver’s name, licence number, class, expiry date, conditions/restrictions, height, date of birth, gender and status information, Highway Traffic Act convictions and suspensions over the past 3 years, Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions, reinstatements over the past 5 years, date of conviction, current demerit point total, fine default suspensions over the past 3 years, medical due date for commercial drivers and earliest licensed date available. Only available to driver themselves, or law enforcement.

The following records cannot be ordered online

  • Extended Driving Record (Over 5 years): Contains driver’s name, driver’s licence number, date of birth, gender, height, class, conditions/restrictions, conviction date, current demerit point total, status, expiry date, medical due date for commercial drivers, earliest licensed date available, Highway Traffic Act convictions and suspensions in previous 3 years — moving (e.g. speeding, etc.) and non-moving (e.g. defaulted fines, etc.) violations, all Criminal Code of Canada violations and reinstatements. Only available to driver themselves or law enforcement officials.
  • FOI Restricted Driving Record – Issued under authority of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: Contains driver’s name, driver’s licence number, date of birth, gender, height, class, conditions/restrictions, Highway Traffic Act and/or Criminal Code of Canada convictions for as far back as available on the ministry’s data base, conviction and offence dates, current demerit point total, all suspensions, reinstatements and collisions for as far back as available on the ministry’s data base, status, licence expiry date, earliest licensed date available, all renewals, address changes, class changes and road tests taken. Only available to driver, Crown Attorney’s Office or law enforcement. Law enforcement must provide a court order.

Driver Confirmation Letter: If specific information in a driving record is required and a driver record search will not provide the required information, a letter confirming the specific information recorded in ministry files may be provided. The signed request must include information about the driver (e.g. driver’s licence number or name and date of birth) and the type of information that is required.

Source: Ministry of Transportation of Ontario


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