Canadian Human Rights Commission: The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has launched Accommodation Works! – A user-friendly guide to working together on health issues in the workplace, at Canada’s leading human rights conference “CASHRA 2014 – Accommodation Works! – Toward a more Inclusive Society,”
The guide is an interactive web based tool designed to achieve a common understanding of the accommodation of health issues in the workplace.
Employers, employees, unions, health care providers, and insurers all understand accommodation differently. This new guide helps everyone see the process from the other’s perspective. It provides a common language and standardized guidelines to enable everyone to focus, not on the process, but on the person.
The guide was launched at the CASHRA 2014 – Accommodation Works! conference hosted by the CHRC in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA), the umbrella group that represents human rights institutions in Canadian provinces and territories, with support from the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.
Quick Facts
- According to a 2010 Statistics Canada study, work time lost for personal reasons averaged approximately 9.1 days per worker.
- Disability from all sources accounts for anywhere from 4% to 12% of payroll costs in Canada.
- After an absence, employees often need a plan so that they can return to work and be able to work to their full potential.
June 11, 2014 – Ottawa, Ontario