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Dried peaches are not only pleasantly soft and sweet but also full of essential nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins A, B, C and K, and minerals such as iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. Their great taste makes dried peaches hard to stop at one serving at one sitting. However, you shouldn’t forget that they have high sugar levels and can cause problems when consumed in excess.

Hidden Health Benefits of Dried Peaches AllOntarioChopped dried peaches can add a great flavour to any desserts, ice cream, yogurt or hot cereals. But the simplest way to enjoy them is directly from the bag.

To maintain good health, two cups of fruit per day are usually recommended for an average adult. So, if you are on a 2,000-calorie diet, you can consume 2 cups of fresh fruit or the equivalent in dried fruit to fulfill your daily recommendations. Due to the fact that dried peaches are significantly higher in calories and nutrients, smaller servings of them count toward more of your daily intake: a 1/2 cup serving of dried peaches counts as 1 cup of fresh peaches.

Dried Peaches Natural Healing Power

Excellent source of dietary fiber

One serving of dried peaches contains 53% of the Daily Value for dietary fiber. Peaches contain a water-soluble fiber known as pectin. Pectin is a natural part of the human diet, but does not contribute significantly to nutrition. The daily intake of pectin from fruits and vegetables can be estimated to be around 5g (assuming consumption of approximately 500g fruits and vegetables per day). Peaches (they are considered hard fruits) contain larger amounts of pectin than soft fruits like cherries, grapes, and strawberries. Dietary fiber lowers your cholesterol and helps regulate your blood-sugar levels. It prevents constipation because of its laxative effect. A recommended daily intake of dietary fiber for women is 25g and 38g for men. A single serving of dried peaches provides 7 grams of dietary fiber – 28% and 18% respectively.

Health-beneficial potassium to sodium ratio

Dried peaches are high in potassium and low in sodium. A high-potassium and low-sodium diet helps prevent high blood pressure and an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Potassium and sodium levels in dried peaches are in a very health-beneficial ratio. A healthy adult should get about 4,700mg of potassium and no more than 2,300mg of sodium per day.

Hidden Health Benefits of Dried Peaches AllOntarioRich in provitamin A

The vibrant orange color of dried peaches indicates that they are rich in orange-red-pigmented beta-carotene, which is transformed to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the eyes and skin health. Also, it is a powerful antioxidant: research indicates that vitamin A has been linked to reduced rates of cancer and heart disease.

High in vitamin K

Dried peaches are a good source of vitamin K. The human body requires vitamin K for complete synthesis of certain proteins that are prerequisites for blood coagulation. It is also needed for controlling binding of calcium in bones. Deficiency of vitamin K may weaken bones, potentially leading to osteoporosis. Adequate intake of vitamin K is associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and stiffening.

Great source of vitamins C and B

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is important for strengthening the immune system because it also functions as an antioxidant. B-group vitamins are responsible for brain function, fetal development, the development of red blood cells, and more.

Packed with iron

One serving of dried peaches provide with 7mg of iron, 82% of its Daily Value! Iron is an active part of haemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport and storage of oxygen, as well as the transfer of electrons. Dried peaches also have a decent amount of copper. Copper is responsible for the absorption and utilization of iron. Dietary copper and iron improve red blood cells production.

Hidden Health Benefits of Dried PeachesGood in phosphorus

Phosphorus is responsible for production of phospholipids which are the main structural components of all cellular membranes. Phosphorus plays a major role in the structural framework of DNA and RNA. Living cells use phosphate to transport cellular energy with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), necessary for every cellular process that uses energy.

Dried Peaches Nutritional Value

Dried peaches are an excellent source of vitamins, essential minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber in both soluble (pectin) and insoluble forms (cellulose).

One serving (1 cup or 160g) of dried peaches contains:

  • calories – 382
  • total carbohydrate – 98g, including 67g of sugar (glucose, fructose, and sucrose – about 20g of each one) and 13g of dietary fiber (53% of the Daily Value, DV)
  • protein – 6g
  • vitamin A – 173mcg (20% DV)
  • vitamin C – 8mg (13% DV)
  • vitamin K – 25mg (21% DV)
  • riboflavin – 3mg (20% DV)
  • niacin – 7mg (35% DV)
  • sodium11mg
  • potassium1594mg
  • iron – 7mg (82% DV)
  • copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus – over 20% DV each one

Dried peaches are juicy, delicious, and full of many good things. Including them in your weekly menu is a great idea. But please remember that they have high sugar levels and have to be eaten with moderation.

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