Legislation on Cyberbullying

Legislation on Cyberbullying
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Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act

Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act will help protect young Canadians from cyberbullying: Peter MacKay, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the coming into force of the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act. The new legislation demonstrates the Government of Canada’s firm commitment to help ensure that Canadians are better protected against online exploitation by helping to protect young Canadians from cyberbullying and to stand up for victims. The Minister was joined by Bernard Trottier, Member of Parliament for Etobicoke-Lakeshore, and Lianna McDonald, Executive Director for the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.

The new measures will help law enforcement officials better protect young Canadians from online exploitation. The Government will continue to give law enforcement officials the tools they need to help prevent young Canadians from falling victim to cyberbullying.

The measures coming into force today build on the numerous measures implemented by the Government of Canada to help ensure the safety of young Canadians and bring the rights of victims back to the heart of the criminal justice system, including introducing the Bill C-26, the Tougher Penalties for Child Predators Act; introducing Bill C-32, the Victims Bill of Rights Act; bringing forward legislation to make the reporting of child pornography by Internet Service Providers mandatory; and launching the anti-cyberbullying awareness campaign Stop Hating Online, a comprehensive resource for parents and youth that includes information, advice, and tools needed to help identify, prevent and stop cyberbullying.

Quick Facts

  • The measures coming into force today make it an offence to share an intimate image without the consent of the person in the image.
  • These measures will also empower a court to:
    • order the removal of intimate images from the Internet;
    • order forfeiture of the computer, cell phone or other device used in the offence;
    • provide for reimbursement to victims for costs incurred in removing the intimate image from the Internet or elsewhere; and
    • make an order to prevent someone from distributing intimate images.
  • The Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act provides police with the necessary means to investigate crime in today’s high-tech environment while maintaining judicial checks and balances to protect Canadians’ privacy.

March 9, 2015 – Etobicoke, ON – Department of Justice

Source: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?mthd=tp&crtr.page=1&nid=945879&crtr.tp1D=1

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