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Perhaps, you are a beginner who is confused about which coffee is the best for newbies, or you are a habitual consumer who wants to try more exciting flavors. Or maybe you are wondering whether the tea is better than coffee. In either case, you have found the right place because this article will compare the two drinks and provide further insight into the variety of coffee. Those who usually don’t give much thought to coffee find it very confusing when they learn about the beans, flavors, and coffee machines. It is because of variations like the use of different coffee beans for cold brew and the distinct flavor of iced coffee. However, gaining a deep insight into the coffee will help you appreciate the variations while making informed choices.

Most popular types of coffee beansCoffee versus Tea

When it comes to the choice of drinks, there is a common debate going on between coffee lovers and tea grabbers-a bit like the friendly debate between cat and dog people. Those who prefer tea claim that it has more health benefits, and people who love coffee argue that it is a more ambitious and flavorful drink. However, the truth is that both of these beverages have different perks and cons.

The consumers of both drinks usually choose these for caffeine content. Tea and coffee both have a certain amount of caffeine, which boosts the nervous system. It has a stimulating effect on the mind, so most people prefer to drink it first thing in the morning. When it comes to alertness, coffee takes the lead. It is known to provide a quick boost to help you get through the day. Coffee also keeps you awake for longer, which can be a good thing depending on your routine. If you are more like a night owl who likes to get productive at the quieter hours, coffee can be your perfect companion. However, tea would be best if you want a drink before going to bed early at night.

Most popular types of coffee beans

There are hundreds of slightly different but identifiable coffee beans planted globally, but two of them stand out the most. These are Arabica and Robusta, the most popular ones in commercial production and consumption: ~60% of the coffee produced worldwide is Arabica and ~40% is Robusta. Arabica beans consist of 0.8–1.4% caffeine and Robusta beans consist of 1.7–4% caffeine.

A brief profile of each kind will help you recognize the difference:


It is widely produced in the Brazilian coffee empire, and people in the Western world devour it. Arabica beans have small and round shapes. They have a distinct, sweet flavor and caramel-like taste. They are high on acidity, so the drinkers experience a sharp boost in their brain functions. People who prefer a soft taste and more alertness after coffee aim for these.


Robusta beans originated in Kongo instead of Ethiopia like Arabica ones, and their average size is also greater. Coffee brewed from these beans has a sharper, acidic taste. It is the perfect blend of smoky aroma and bitter flavor, and you may have consumed them in black coffee. If you prefer intense and smoky beverages, you will find Robusta beans’ coffee more effective.

Some interesting facts about coffee

  • According to legend, the coffee plant was discovered in Ethiopia by a goat herder named Kaldi, who observed increased physical activity in his goats after they consumed coffee beans.
  • A coffee bean is actually a cherry, red or purple fruit with the pit inside. Even though the coffee beans are not technically beans, they are referred to as such because of their resemblance to true beans.
  • As coffee is one of the world’s most widely consumed beverages, coffee beans are a major cash crop and an important export product, accounting for over 50% of some developing nations’ foreign exchange earnings.
  • Brazil produces about 45% of the world’s total coffee exports.
  • As of 2015, Americans consumed approximately 400 million cups of coffee per day, making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. No wonder that the United States imports more coffee than any other nation.
  • Coffee plants grow within a defined area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, termed the bean belt or coffee belt.
  • Arabica coffee beans are grown at temperatures between 15 and 24°C and Robusta at 24–30°C and receive between 150 and 300 cm of rainfall per year. Heavy rain is needed in the beginning of the season when the fruit is developing and less later in the season as it ripens.

And remember:

“The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportional to the quantity of coffee he drinks.” – Sir James MacKintosh

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans

Most popular types of coffee beans


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