Old Age Security pension and benefits

Old Age Security (OAS) benefits
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The payment amount for the Old Age Security pension is determined by how long you have lived in Canada after the age of 18. It is considered taxable income and is subject to a recovery tax if your individual net annual income is higher than the net world income threshold set for the year.

Payment amounts for the Old Age Security benefits (Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor) are based on your marital status and level of income. They are not considered taxable income.

The chart below shows the maximum monthly payment amount you could receive for the Old Age Security pension and benefits and the maximum annual income allowed to be eligible for the pension and benefits.

Indexing of benefits

The payment amounts for Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor are reviewed in January, April, July and October to reflect increases in the cost of living as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

Old Age Security pension and benefits – Monthly payment amounts and maximum annual income

  • Old Age Security (OAS) pension
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
  • Allowance
  • Allowance for the Survivor

What is annual income

Your annual income is your income from the previous calendar year. You must report certain income and deductions.

Maximum annual income to receive the OAS pension

The maximum annual income is the income level at which you cannot receive the Old Age Security (OAS) pension or benefits. See what income and deductions are considered in the maximum annual income allowed to be eligible for the OAS pension (see the related information on the Canada Revenue Agency’s Web site) and for the OAS benefits.

Tables of Amounts for Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor

On that webpage, the tables of amounts will provide you with the amount of your monthly benefit, which will be based on your age, income level and marital status. The tables are updated quarterly.

Choose the benefit table that best describes your personal situation, including your marital status, then select the appropriate income range and click “Go”.

Table 1 – Guaranteed Income Supplement

Amounts for single, surviving spouse/common-law partner or divorced pensioners receiving a full Old Age Security pension

Table 2 – Guaranteed Income Supplement

Amounts for married or common-law partners, both receiving a full Old Age Security pension

Table 3 – Guaranteed Income Supplement

Amounts for individuals receiving a full Old Age Security pension whose spouse or common-law partner does not receive an OAS pension

Table 4 – Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance

Amounts for individuals receiving a full Old Age Security pension and their spouse or common-law partner aged 60 to 64

Table 5 – Allowance for the Survivor

Amounts for surviving spouses or common-law partners aged 60 to 64 who have not re married or entered into a common-law partnership

Partial pension

If you are receiving a partial Old Age Security (OAS) pension, you should contact us for more information about your OAS pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement or Allowance payment amounts.

Source: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/services/pensions/oas/payments/index.shtml

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