Ontario 511 – Traveller Information Services

Ontario 511 - Traveller Information Services
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Ontario 511 is an Ontario Ministry of Transportation telephone service that provides the public with voice-activated, hands-free information on provincial highways:

  • Road closures
  • Winter road conditions
  • Construction projects

How to access Ontario 511

Just dial 511. Call to check the roads before setting out on a trip.

If calling 511 while driving, observe Ontario’s ban on cell phone use while driving. Pull over safely to the road shoulder before calling or use hands-free, Bluetooth technology.

Additional Ontario 511 features

  • Zero-out to an agent from Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Access to 511 from other jurisdictions, such as 511 Quebec, 511 NY
  • For callers outside of province: 1-866-929-4257
  • TTY service is available for those with hearing impairments 1-866-471-8929

Ontario 511 Technology

The 511 telephone service uses voice recognition and text-to-speech technologies to give road information in audio format. Since information is pulled from a variety of databases, you will hear different voice recordings on 511.

About MTO Traveller Information Services

The Ministry of Transportation’s Traveller Information Services provides road information for provincial highways in Ontario by telephone at 5-1-1 or online with accessible information on the MTO Ontario 511 website www.ontario.ca/511

The Ontario 511 site provides detailed road information for Ontario’s provincial highways that can be viewed in interactive maps or as text in English or French. At present, the Ontario 511 site is not mobile friendly.

Check online before setting out on a trip, to see the latest:

  • Road Closures & Restrictions
    • Incidents and Closures
    • Today’s Roadwork
    • Planned Roadwork
  • Traffic & Road Information
    • Construction
    • Traffic Flow (GTA)
    • High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV)
  • Road Conditions- Description of Road Conditions and Visibility
  • Traffic Cameras
    • Carpool Lots
  • Other Traveller Information
    • Service Centres
    • Ferry Services
    • Provincial Parks
    • Travel Information Centres

Tips for using the Ontario 511 website

  • Click on the topics listed in the left hand legend to access the text information or click on the map to activate the interactive map.
  • Use the Google map’s + or – to zoom in or out, or click and drag ‘hand’ to move across the province.
  • Select information layers by clicking on the boxes in the map’s legend. The topics selected will appear as symbols or colours on the map. The symbols and colours are explained in the legend below the map.
  • Clicking on a symbol/condition on the map will give a pop-up with detailed information.

The technology behind Ontario 511 and MTO traffic cameras

  • Ontario 511 uses Google maps
  • Traffic cameras are powered by COMPASS – see the COMPASS page for more information.

MTO terminology and colours for describing road conditions explained

MTO is using a new national terminology and colour scheme on its online interactive map and 511 phone line to describe winter road conditions. Canadian road authorities have developed a common winter road condition terminology and colour scheme to provide consistency for the travelling public wherever they use 511 in Canada.

How to provide comments about the Ontario 511 Traveller Information Services webpage

Email MTOINFO@ontario.ca to send us your questions and comments about 511.


This website gives you easy 24/7/365 access to Ministry of Transportation (MTO) road information on provincially maintained highways.

Note: all website page addresses have changed. Please update your current bookmarks or favourites.

These are quick links to areas of the province that experience high volumes of traffic and/or have traffic cameras. Clicking on the map’s circles or on the listed regions takes you to the interactive map.


Central region:

  • Burlington/Mississauga (QEW)
  • Greater Toronto Area (400/401/403/410/427)
  • Niagara (QEW/405/58)
  • Barrie

Southwestern region:

  • London (401)
  • Sarnia (402)
  • Windsor
  • Owen Sound

Eastern region:

  • Ottawa (417)
  • Kingston

Northeastern region:

  • Cochrane
  • Sault Ste Marie
  • Sudbury
  • North Bay

Northwestern region:

  • Kenora
  • Thunder Bay

These are quick links to areas of the province that experience high volumes of traffic and/or have traffic cameras. Clicking on the map’s circles or on the listed regions takes you to the interactive map.

Note that the Ministry of Transportation’s Ontario 511 – Traveller Information Services website is pleased to offer road condition information.

This information is provided and updated as it becomes available. Although we endeavour to ensure that the information is as current and accurate as possible, errors do occasionally occur. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

The Government of Ontario and its employees and agents do not assume and are not responsible for any liability whatsoever arising from any inaccurate or incomplete information, or for any delay in updates offered, on Ontario 511.

Ontario 511 – Frequently Asked Questions

What information can I get on Ontario 511 and where does it come from?

The Ontario 511 phone line provides up-to-date road condition, closures and construction information for all provincial highways. Road conditions and closures are reported to regional communication centres by Area Maintenance Contractors who patrol the highways and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Construction information is provided by regional Ministry of Transportation staff.

Is Ontario 511 accessible across Ontario?

Yes, the Ontario 511 telephone service is available throughout Ontario and is free. Road closures are posted on Twitter in English @511Ontario and in French @Ontario511. Detailed road information is also online at www.ontario.ca/511.

Can you call 5-1-1 while driving?

The Ontario law prohibits the use of handheld devices while driving. If calling 511 while driving use Bluetooth hands-free technology; Ontario 511 uses voice recognition technology that meets hands-free legislation. Preferably, where possible to do so, pull over to the road shoulder before calling 511 or consult 511 on the ministry’s online traveller information website before driving.

How can Ontario 511 information be used by the public?

Ontario 511 road information can assist provincial road travellers with planning travel routes, avoiding congestion due to poor weather conditions, construction or road closures, and receiving critical information when emergencies or events arise.

How does Ontario 511 accommodate people with speech, visual or hearing impairments?

The 511 phone line provides a touch-tone backup system to its voice recognition technology. The online interactive map provides visual aids and text versions that meet accessibility standards. Agents are also available during business hours. A TTY number is available for users with hearing impairments; if you wish to use this service dial 1-866-471-8929.

How often is Ontario 511 information updated?

Information related to road closures is updated as closure information is received. Road construction project information is updated daily. Road condition information is updated a minimum of five times daily from October to April; or as conditions change.

How do I call Ontario 511 if I am travelling in another province or state?

Ontario 511 is part of a North American approach to providing weather and traveller information services. Most American states, six Canadian provinces and one Canadian territory currently provide this service. If you wish to call Ontario 511 toll free while driving in another province or state, dial 1-866-929-4257.

How do I report a highway problem or any other maintenance issues?

Please contact the appropriate highway maintenance contractor in your area.

To report a highway problem to the ministry please email: winterhighways@ontario.ca or routesdhiver@ontario.ca

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