Minister Findlay highlights resources for recognizing and reporting fraud during Fraud Prevention Month: The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of National Revenue, is kicking off Fraud Prevention Month (FPM) by reminding Canadians of the resources available from the Government of Canada to help protect themselves against fraud during tax filing season.
This March, the Government is putting a spotlight on fraud prevention, with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the Competition Bureau and other partners participating in a series of fraud-awareness initiatives throughout Fraud Prevention Month.
The CRA initiatives alert taxpayers about the dangers of fraud and tax schemes. This is accomplished through outreach programs, ongoing communications through media and the web, partnerships with other government departments, and close collaboration with tax practitioners and other key stakeholders.
Every year, there are frequent reports of scammers who call or email Canadians, claiming to be CRA officials and attempting to trick Canadians into providing money and/or personal information. Canadians are reminded to protect their personal information and to beware of telephone and email scams, especially during tax filing season when these scams are most common. Minister Findlay also emphasized the importance of reporting scams in order to protect other Canadians from fraud.
Quick facts
- The CRA takes fraud prevention seriously and offers ongoing updates to the public on the latest scams through its website and the media.
- Neither the CRA, nor the Minister of National Revenue, will ever send personal information about refunds or benefit payments by email, ask for personal information by email, or leave any personal information on an answering machine.
- Canadians who have received a fraudulent communication should contact the RCMP’s Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online at or call 1-888-495-8501.
- Canadians who think they have been a victim of fraud or identity theft are encouraged to call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 and to immediately notify their bank.
- As part of Fraud Prevention Month, the Competition Bureau chairs 2 Good 2 B True Day #2G2BT, an annual social media event presented in partnership with the Fraud Prevention Forum.
February 27, 2015 – Ottawa – Canada Revenue Agency