Secret technique of Internet Marketing

Secret technique of Internet Marketing
Allontario ads

This Internet marketing technique is secret not because somebody wants to keep it secret, but because not too many people know about it. We are going to reveal it like Rihanna revealed the secret of her flawless skin in an interview for InStyle Magazine.

Peculiarities of online advertising

Advertising on paper is one thing, advertising in the Internet is quite another. And if you apply the same approach for both of them, you are in trouble. Let’s put it simple: How people can see your ad in a magazine? By opening it! How people can find you in the Internet? By googling it! When you use a search engine, you type in a word or words and click the search button. What happens then? The search engine then looks in its index for those words. Everything is matter here, even a word’s font colour.

So, you may like it or not, but you have to bother with search engines because they represent the single most important source of new visitors to your website.

There are two major types of online advertising: articles and banners. Although banner ads can use rich media to incorporate video, audio, animations, buttons, forms, or other interactive elements, we are talking about traditional banners here.

Article or Banner? What is the difference?

Banner: It catches your eye. But if people don’t click on it, it’s dead, generating no traffic to your website. When the paid time is over, the banner is gone. The End.

Article: Articles are words, and the words are the only “food” for search engines. Even if nobody opens and reads the article, Google does. The more articles the better. If your articles stay on a respected media site permanently, they are still working for you (now for FREE!) constantly generating high quality backlinks pointing to your website and help your website rank higher in Google. It means – To be continued.

Tip: If you have to choose between an article and a banner, choose the article.

The “SEO + PR” approach puts your business on top in Google

Advertising in a form of article is a new digital marketing technique that puts the SEO and public relations practices together. It generates white-hat editorial backlinks from large respected websites to your website. Google likes it and ranks your site higher. Please keep in mind that Google is very picky about the links pointing to your website. It can easily identify non-editorial links and treats them accordingly. Often, a website could be hurt or penalized by Google for having those links.

Articles on work! We can prove it!

There is a great chance that your articles on will put your business on the first two pages in Google. If you type in Google the phrases below, you’ll see the articles of our advertisers on top positions out of millions of search results:

  • super visa insurance Toronto
  • traffic ticket paralegal
  • insurance solutions for self-employed
  • buy or sell real estate Richmond Hill
  • can I evict a tenant for smoking
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  • buy home in Keswick
  • Toronto real estate expert

And it’s only a few examples.

How you can benefit out of placing your articles on

  • You’ll get the highest quality advertisement for the lowest cost possible
  • Your articles will be indexed by Google in 1-3 weeks
  • We’ll never remove your articles unless you ask us to do so. It means that your articles will be working for you for FREE for years!
  • You’ll be satisfied with the direct and indirect return on your investments

Demystifying a myth: web designers understand search engines

Most web design companies tell their clients that they are experts in SEO and know how to promote their websites. It’s simply not true. In most cases. This makes it very hard for business owners when they hire a web developer or an SEO firm. And if they don’t want to waste their hard earned money and valuable time, they have to know what sorts of questions they should ask to figure out whether those companies DO understand how search engines work.

Avoiding things that search engines hate

Most web designers like what search engines hate: frames, sophisticated navigation system, flash animation, embedded text in images, white fonts on a dark background, cluttered pages and other design potholes. It’s very bad in terms of the website search engine friendliness.

Many people invested a lot of money in their websites that turned out to be invisible for search engines. What they’re gonna do? Abandon them and start all over again? What would you do?

Bottom line: the clearer the design, the better the visibility. And it doesn’t mean that your website have to look ugly. Not at all.

To pay or not to pay for SEO, that is the question

We are sure, every day you get lots of emails stating, “We’ll register you in 10,000 directories!” and “We guarantee top-ten positions in Google!” and offering “1st Page in Google!” in a week.

Sorry to say, it’s not that simple. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the process that affects the visibility of a website in a search engine’s organic (or “natural”, or “un-paid) search results, is a little complicated. Not rocket science complicated, but not as easy as “Give us 200 bucks and we’ll handle it for you”.

Moreover, the SEO guys try to mystify it as much as they can because when water is muddy it’s easier to catch a fish. The average SEO Joe makes big money out it: a website owner usually pays between $500 and $1,500 per month. What he or she gets in return, that is also a question. A big one.

Black Hat SEO: Dirty Tricks

To be honest with you, everyone wants to fool the search engines. The search engines know it and fool them back constantly changing their algorithms. Actually, SEO is a very strange business in which high technologies, hacking, spying, spamming and misleading are mixed up.

Generally, SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend, and those that search engines do not approve. The web developers who employ them are either white hat SEO, or black hat SEO. White hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they are doing.

Every website owner has to understand the dangers of using dirty tricks. They can pay the ultimate penalty: having their entire site booted from the index. Google says: “We take appropriate action when abuse is uncovered”. You think you can trick Google? Think twice!

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