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In our digital age, great content writing is crucial for online success of your company, because quality content often means more money to your business bank account.

People do not come to your website to eye great graphics, unless your site offers free game playing. They want information. And they want it fast and just to the point. If they don’t find on your website what they are looking for, they will go away and never come back again.

You have 20 seconds to communicate your message that could turn your visitor to your customer.

If you want to persuade your reader to buy your product or service or promote your idea, you’ll have to bother with developing the perfect message with the perfect words. 

Content! Content! Content!

Obviously, you’ve heard the well-known real estate slogan “Location! Location! Location!” Well, when we talk about the Internet marketing, we have to re-phrase it into “Content! Content! Content!”

Building Partnerships, Not Transactions

For professional content writers you are not just a number or a source of income. They are interested in building a true relationship with you for your mutual benefits. It is more than a one-time service rendering. Instead, they consider it as an agreement to do business together while sharing responsibilities, risks and rewards.

Copywriters, not copycats

Professional content writing is not a “copy-paste” work.  They are not not copycats. They provide you with 100% original content with all ownership rights.

We do but don’t stop at COPYWRITING! We do SEO optimized CONTENT WRITING!

An article on paper is one thing, an article in the Internet is quite another. And if you don’t see the difference and apply the same methods for both of them, you are in trouble. Big time!

Let’s put it simple: you open a “whitepaper” magazine and started reading – “It was amazing experience! I was utterly impressed by the beautiful scene that I saw. Everything looked like in a fairytale. …” After a few paragraphs you understand that the writer describes his visit to the natural park. And it’s okay, it’s well written! No problem with that!

Now let’s see how people can find this article in the Internet: they go to Google, type in a word (or words) and click the search button. What would they type in our case? More likely, “natural park”. And not simply that, they normally add location – “natural park in Ontario”. What happens then? Google looks in its index for those words. Everything is matter here, and first of all, the position of the keyword in the article: the closer to the top the easier to find by the search engine. In our case, what do you think about how big the chance to be found?

Remember, articles are words, and the words are the only “food” for search engines. The keywords should resonate with the intended audience.

We also have to notice that even if nobody opens and reads your article, Google does. It indexes the keywords and make your website rank higher.

So, like it or not, but you have to bother with SEO.

Don’t trust SEO specialists who don’t explain what they actually do!

We know firsthand that lots of SEO guys making easy money by saying that SEO is an enigmatic and mysterious matter. They just fool people around. We consider Internet marketing and SEO as a business that is closer to technology and statistics than to the inspiration and arts; the business which is based on real and measurable results.

Content writing for your website is not an expense, it is an investment!

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