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Doing everything we can to turn our bedroom into a true sleep oasis will help you fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer. Enjoyable home decor solutions can solve anything and even transform our small bedroom into a zen-like space.

Small Bedroom Design: It’s Time to Freshen up Your Sleep Oasis AllOntarioKeep your bedroom tidy

Clutter makes the room look smaller and makes it difficult to navigate through. Moreover, it turns a tranquil place into a messy area. Stress can disrupt your sleep and ruin the entire vibe of your bedroom. If your bed is hidden under a pile of clean clothes and your bedside tables are filled with books, cups and other unnecessary items, start by clearing out the mess. Put everything where it belongs, clear out bedside tables and leave only the essentials, and get into the habit of making your bed every morning. If the lack of space is the reason behind your untidiness, now’s the time to donate the things you no longer use.

Play with layers

Since the bed is the focal point of the bedroom, you can use layers to turn it into a beautiful centerpiece. Make your bed and position yourself facing the headboard so that you can take a proper look at it. In order to make your bed inviting, you should add layers to it. Basic layers like your sheets and bedding can be further encapsulated with decorative pillows, a bedspread and a throw.

Decorative pillows should be positioned from the biggest to the smallest. If your bed linen is light colored, elevate the look with decorative pillows in a bolder color. Once you settle on the decorative pillow colour and arrangement, move to positioning the bed throw. You can either fold it in two and position it at the end of the bed or leisurely place it on one side of the bed.

Small Bedroom Design: It’s Time to Freshen up Your Sleep Oasis AllOntarioGive your bed some love

New bed linen will make you jump right into the bed and snuggle in for hours with a good book and some light music playing in the background. A new set of linen can instantly reset the vibe of your entire bedroom. If you can, invest in two new sets of different colours. This way you can alternate using them between the wash. Giving your bed some love by dressing it up in your favorite colour will improve the mood of the entire room. You’ll definitely start to feel like your bedroom is a true oasis of calm and peace.

Give the space a new look with colour

Just like we have to invest in some new sets of linen, we have to paint our bedroom to give it a new look. If you’re bored by your current color palette and you’d like to make your bedroom look brighter and comfier, discuss your options with a creative colour consultant. Color palettes available at stores are not enough to make the right decision regarding the colour. Having someone guide you through the process of choosing the right paint color for your bedroom can help you select the right one.

Small Bedroom Design: It’s Time to Freshen up Your Sleep Oasis AllOntarioSet the mood with the right type of lighting

When it comes to choosing the right type of lighting for your bedroom, you need to make the suitable choice. It shouldn’t be too soft because you need enough light to read a book. But, it shouldn’t be too bright either. You should keep your overhead lighting but install some dimmers to adjust the intensity with ease. For a soft glow, add some accent light on both sides of the bed. Bedside lamps are both practical and beautiful and they will help you set the relaxing mood.

Add some healing elements

When you declutter the room and clear out your bedside tables, you will make room for healing elements. Negative energy can also be one of the reasons your bedroom is no longer a peaceful sleep oasis. You can easily cleanse the negative energy with crystals. Amethyst, rose quartz and black tourmaline are your ideal choice if you wish to revive the energy of your bedroom. You can also add an aromatherapy diffuser and instill the calm with soothing scents.

If you’ve been looking for the right know-how to freshen up your sleep oasis start with decluttering. Once the room is clutter free, focus your attention to setting up the bed and reviving the vibe with a new coat of paint. New bed linen, soft lights and zen decor elements will only strengthen your sleep oasis.

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