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This is the third part of the article about brain health and we’d like to remind you what those five areas are:

  1. Enough of oxygen
  2. Enough of glucose
  3. Good night sleep
  4. Psychological and emotional health
  5. Brain healthy food

Here, we are going to give you a list of top 15 foods that are beneficial for brain health.

Ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience says the same – “health of your brain starts in the stomach”. A group of scientists from the Netherlands stated: “The current data show that patients with Alzheimer’s disease have lower levels of choline, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Directionally, brain nutrient status appears to parallel the lower circulatory nutrient status.” [ ]

This is the third part of the article about brain health and we’d like to remind you what those five areas are: 1. Enough of oxygen 2. Enough of glucose 3. Good night sleep 4. Psychological and emotional health 5. Brain healthy food Here, we are going to give you a list of top 15 foods that are beneficial for brain health. Ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience says the same - “health of your brain starts in the stomach”. A group of scientists from the Netherlands stated: “The current data show that patients with Alzheimer's disease have lower levels of choline, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Directionally, brain nutrient status appears to parallel the lower circulatory nutrient status.” [ ] Top 15 foods for brain health 1. CHICKEN for proteins – 25g/100g (50%DV), fat – 13g/100g 2. riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 28%DV, vitamin E – 58%DV, copper – 37%DV, iron – 17%DV, magnesium – 25%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 28%DV, zinc – 20%DV 3. CHEESE for proteins - 25g/100g (50%DV), amino acid tyrosine - 1995mg/100g (228% DV), fat – 13g/100g, vitamin B12 – 13%DV 4. EGGS for proteins – 30% DV, vitamin B12 – 46% DV, vitamin A (19% DV), riboflavin (42% DV), pantothenic acid (28% DV), choline (60% DV), phosphorus (25% DV), zinc (11% DV) and vitamin D (15% DV) 5. SALMON for Omega-3 fatty acids – 30%DV, vitamin B12 – 53% DV, vitamin B6 – 30% DV, proteins - 25g/100g (50%DV) 6. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD for carbohydrates - 41g/100g, dietary fiber – 28%DV, proteins – 26% DV 7. DARK CHOCOLATE: most dark chocolates that have over 70% cocoa contain a series of chemicals that are very beneficial for brain health 8. CASHEWS for riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 28%DV, vitamin E – 58%DV, copper – 37%DV, iron – 17%DV, magnesium – 25%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 28%DV, zinc – 20%DV 9. BRAZIL NUTS for selenium – 770%DV (SUPER RICH), thiamine (vitamin B1) – 19%DV, magnesium – 35%DV, manganese – 25%DV, phosphorus – 35%DV 10. PISTACHIOS for thiamine (vitamin B1) – 25%DV, vitamin B6 – 43%DV, manganese – 65%DV, phosphorus – 23%DV 11. PUMPKIN SEEDS for amino acid arginine – 2g/oz, amino acid tryptophan – 161mg/oz (28g) or 58%DV (the best source of tryptophan ever), iron – 20%DV, magnesium – 51%DV, manganese – 70%DV, phosphorus – 56%DV, zinc – 27%DV (one of the best sources of zinc) 12. SUNFLOWER SEEDS for thiamine (vitamin B1) – 48%DV, niacin (vitamin B3) – 19%DV, folate (vitamin B9) – 19%DV, vitamin E – 78%DV, magnesium – 30%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 31%DV 13. SUNDRIED TOMATOES for lycopene (the richest source of it), vitamin C – 102mg (169% DV), vitamin A – 38%DV, vitamin B6 – 0.3mg (20% DV), potassium – 1565mg (44% DV), and iron – 3mg (15% DV) 14. RAISINS for sugars - 80% by weight including about 30% of glucose, boron – 2-3mg/100g, potassium – 21%DV, and amino acid arginine. 15. GOJI BERRIES for vitamin A – 536% DV (mega-super rich), vitamin C – 48mg (81%DV), betaine – liver and kidney health promoter, and potassium – 1594mg (45%DV) – 4 times banana’s content! NOTES: • Values and percentages are approximate based on the USDA Nutrient Database • Percent Daily Value (%DV) is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example, 40% for protein means that one serving provides 40% of the protein you need each day. It helps you make informed food choices. DVs are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.Top 15 foods for brain health

  1. CHICKEN for proteins – 25g/100g (50%DV), fat – 13g/100g
  2. riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 28%DV, vitamin E – 58%DV, copper – 37%DV, iron – 17%DV, magnesium – 25%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 28%DV, zinc – 20%DV
  3. CHEESE for proteins – 25g/100g (50%DV), amino acid tyrosine – 1995mg/100g (228% DV), fat – 13g/100g, vitamin B12 – 13%DV
  4. EGGS for proteins – 30% DV, vitamin B12 – 46% DV, vitamin A (19% DV), riboflavin (42% DV), pantothenic acid (28% DV), choline (60% DV), phosphorus (25% DV), zinc (11% DV) and vitamin D (15% DV)
  5. SALMON for Omega-3 fatty acids – 30%DV, vitamin B12 – 53% DV, vitamin B6 – 30% DV, proteins – 25g/100g (50%DV)
  6. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD for carbohydrates – 41g/100g, dietary fiber – 28%DV, proteins – 26% DV
  7. DARK CHOCOLATE: most dark chocolates that have over 70% cocoa contain a series of chemicals that are very beneficial for brain health
  8. CASHEWS for riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 28%DV, vitamin E – 58%DV, copper – 37%DV, iron – 17%DV, magnesium – 25%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 28%DV, zinc – 20%DV
  9. BRAZIL NUTS for selenium – 770%DV (SUPER RICH), thiamine (vitamin B1) – 19%DV, magnesium – 35%DV, manganese – 25%DV, phosphorus – 35%DV
  10. PISTACHIOS for thiamine (vitamin B1) – 25%DV, vitamin B6 – 43%DV, manganese – 65%DV, phosphorus – 23%DV
  11. PUMPKIN SEEDS for amino acid arginine – 2g/oz, amino acid tryptophan – 161mg/oz (28g) or 58%DV (the best source of tryptophan ever), iron – 20%DV, magnesium – 51%DV, manganese – 70%DV, phosphorus – 56%DV, zinc – 27%DV (one of the best sources of zinc)
  12. SUNFLOWER SEEDS for thiamine (vitamin B1) – 48%DV, niacin (vitamin B3) – 19%DV, folate (vitamin B9) – 19%DV, vitamin E – 78%DV, magnesium – 30%DV, manganese – 31%DV, phosphorus – 31%DV
  13. SUNDRIED TOMATOES for lycopene (the richest source of it), vitamin C – 102mg (169% DV), vitamin A – 38%DV, vitamin B6 – 0.3mg (20% DV), potassium – 1565mg (44% DV), and iron – 3mg (15% DV)
  14. RAISINS for sugars – 80% by weight including about 30% of glucose, boron – 2-3mg/100g, potassium – 21%DV, and amino acid arginine.
  15. GOJI BERRIES for vitamin A – 536% DV (mega-super rich), vitamin C – 48mg (81%DV), betaine – liver and kidney health promoter, and potassium – 1594mg (45%DV) – 4 times banana’s content!


  • Values and percentages are approximate based on the USDA Nutrient Database
  • Percent Daily Value (%DV) is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example, 40% for protein means that one serving provides 40% of the protein you need each day. It helps you make informed food choices. DVs are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.


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