About Us

Information Resource for Ontario Residents

Marketplace for Ontario Businesses

Exciting Reading for Everyone!

AllOntario.ca is a general information resource for Ontario residents and a marketplace for Ontario businesses. It’s all about living and doing business in Ontario. All in one site.

AllOntario.ca is created by Ontarians for Ontarians and dedicated to:

  • Providing Ontario residents with general information about the options they have when a daily life problem arises
  • Helping Ontario businesses with up-to-date business-related information including government grants, new laws and regulations and more
  • Delivering a high quality advertising platform for the cost that every Ontario small business can afford
  • Promoting Ontario entrepreneurs online through our FREE Business Directory
  • Writing about Canadian heritage, people and values to instill in people’s hearts patriotic feelings, pride and honour of being Canadians
  • Encouraging people to discover Ontario, its natural beauty and everything wonderful that Ontario has to offer
  • Creating enjoyable reading to make people feel better, think positive and be optimistic


Our readers are Ontarians of all ages: single or married; women or men; youth or seniors; employees or individuals running their own businesses; homeowners; landlords or tenants; drivers or non-drivers, newcomers; etc. etc. We have a great feedback from them and very often people visit AllOntario.ca for references as a one-stop shop to find the right information that helps solving a variety of ordinary life difficulties.

Making Life Easier is our motto.

The “SEO + PR” approach is our little secret

Advertising in a form of article is a digital marketing technique that puts the SEO and public relations practices together. It generates quality editorial backlinks to your website. Google likes it and ranks your site higher. Please keep in mind that Google is very picky about the links pointing to your website. It can easily identify non-editorial links and treats them accordingly.

At AllOntario.ca, we are working day and night to create a one-stop site about the possibilities you can explore to find answers for your queries. We are doing our best to make you feel better, think positive, be optimistic, and return to us on regular basis.

DISCLAIMER: The AllOntario.ca website is not, in any way, connected with or authorized by Ontario Government. We do not provide Ontario residents with any legal advice.

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