Ontario Profile: GOVERNMENT

Ontario Profile: GOVERNMENT
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The “British North America Act 1867” section 69 stipulated “There shall be a Legislature for Ontario consisting of the Lieutenant Governor and of One House, styled the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.” The assembly has 107 seats representing ridings elected in a first-past-the-post system across the province. The legislative buildings at Queen’s Park in Toronto are the seat of government.

Following the Westminster system, the leader of the party holding the most seats in the assembly is known as the “Premier and President of the Council” (Executive Council Act R.S.O. 1990). The Premier chooses the cabinet or Executive Council whose members are deemed “ministers of the Crown.” Although the “Legislative Assembly Act (R.S.O. 1990)” refers to members of the assembly, the legislators are now commonly called MPPs (Members of the Provincial Parliament), but they have also been called MLAs (Members of the Legislative Assembly), and both are acceptable. The title of “Prime Minister of Ontario”, correct in French (le Premier ministre), is permissible in English but now generally avoided in favour of the title “Premier” to avoid confusion with the Prime Minister of Canada.


Ontario has numerous political parties which run for election. Three political parties dominate election results: the Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP. In the last few decades the liberal Ontario Liberal Party, conservative Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, and social-democratic Ontario New Democratic Party have all ruled the province at different times. In the 2011 Canadian federal election in Ontario the Conservatives were elected in 73 ridings, 22 went to the NDP, and 11 to the Liberals. The Green Party did not get a candidate elected in Ontario.

Ontario Government

The office of the Premier www.premier.gov.on.ca

Ontario is currently under a Liberal government headed by Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Kathleen Wynne is Ontario’s 25th Premier. She was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 2003 as the MPP for Don Valley West, and she became the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party in January, 2013.

Kathleen is dedicated to building a better province for all the people of Ontario, by providing high-quality services in the most efficient manner. She and her government are guided by the values that knit this province together: fairness, diversity, collaboration and creativity.

Kathleen is focused on the priorities of farmers and Ontario’s $34-billion agri-food industry. To ensure those voices are heard, she is also the Minister of Agriculture and Food.

Kathleen has served as Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Education. As the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Kathleen finalized a new funding agreement with the federal government to improve access to affordable housing.

In her role as Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Kathleen worked in partnership with First Nations communities to address issues such as mining development and First Nations land claims, and improving quality of life for aboriginals living off-reserve through affordable housing and recreation programs.

As Minister of Education, Kathleen led the government’s efforts to reduce class sizes, implement full-day kindergarten and provide more opportunities for high school students to reach their full potential.

During Kathleen’s tenure as the Minister of Transportation, she secured a new transit expansion plan for Toronto including the Eglinton-Scarborough LRT, and oversaw Ontario’s largest highway investments, including the Highway 407 East Extension and the Windsor-Essex Parkway.

Kathleen has served as a Public School Trustee in Toronto. She has led citizens’ groups in a number of grassroots community projects, and has played a major role as an organizer and facilitator. This experience has contributed to her results-based approach to life, government and community.

Political Career

  • MPP Don Valley West, 2003 – present
  • Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, 2011 – 2012
  • Minister of Transportation, 2010 – 2011
  • Minister of Education, 2006 – 2010
  • Chair of Cabinet, 2007 – 2008
  • Minister of Education, 2006 – 2007
  • Member, Standing Committee on Social Policy, 2004 – 2006
  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education, 2005 – 2006
  • Member, Select Committee on Electoral Reform, 2005
  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education, 2004 – 2005
  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, 2003 – 2004
  • Member, Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy, 2003 – 2004
  • Member, Standing Committee on General Government, 2003 – 2004


  • M.Ed Adult Education, University of Toronto, 1995
  • MA Linguistics, University of Toronto, 1980
  • BA (Hon), Queen’s University, 1977

Kathleen O’Day Wynne was born on May 21, 1953. Wynne grew up in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Kathleen has three adult children, Chris, Jessie and Maggie, and two granddaughters, Olivia and Claire. She and her partner Jane have lived in North Toronto for more than 25 years.




Your Government provides links to information about the structure and function of the Government of Ontario, its ministries and its agencies. It’s also the place to find forms and official documents, and learn more about government archives, budgets and elections.


  • Aboriginal Affairs (https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/) 
  • Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (www.omafra.gov.on.ca )
  • Attorney General (www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca )
  • Children and Youth Services (www.children.gov.on.ca )
  • Citizenship and Immigration (www.citizenship.gov.on.ca )
  • Community and Social Services (www.mcss.gov.on.ca )
  • Community Safety and Correctional Services (www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca )
  • Consumer Services (www.sse.gov.on.ca/mcs/en/pages/default.aspx )
  • Culture
  • Economic Development and Trade
  • Education (www.edu.gov.on.ca )
  • Energy and Infrastructure (www.mei.gov.on.ca )
  • Environment (www.ene.gov.on.ca )
  • Finance (www.fin.gov.on.ca )
  • Francophone Affairs (www.ofa.gov.on.ca )
  • Government Services (www.mgs.gov.on.ca )
  • Health and Long-Term Care (www.health.gov.on.ca )
  • Intergovernmental Affairs (www.ontario.ca/en/your_government/ONT06_023584 )
  • Labour (www.labour.gov.on.ca )
  • Municipal Affairs and Housing (www.mah.gov.on.ca )
  • Natural Resources (www.mnr.gov.on.ca )
  • Northern Development, Mines and Forestry (www.mndm.gov.on.ca )
  • Research and Innovation (www.mri.gov.on.ca )
  • Revenue (www.rev.gov.on.ca )
  • Tourism
  • Training, Colleges and Universities (www.edu.gov.on.ca )
  • Transportation (www.mto.gov.on.ca )
  • Women’s Directorate (www.citizenship.gov.on.ca/owd/english )



This section is taken from Ontario Government website (www.ontario.ca ) and provides links in alphabetical order to ministries, agencies, boards and commissions of the Government of Ontario.


Access and Privacy Office

Website of the Office of the Chief Information and Privacy Officer (OCIPO), Ministry of Government Services. In addition to the research and application tools on our website, we provide policy advice and training in the subject areas of access to information and protection of privacy issues to our client government organizations.

Accessibility Ontario

Providing resources and promoting accessibility for a barrier-free Ontario.


As an agency of the Ontario government, Agricorp delivers government and non-government risk management programs. With our excellent customer service and reliable, cost-effective delivery, we have received national and international recognition.

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

A useful information resource regarding the regulation of beverage alcohol and gaming

Archives of Ontario

The Archives of Ontario preserves the province’s documentary heritage, and makes it available to the public. You can use this website to search databases that describe our archival records and library holdings. You can also search our visual database for online reference copies of some of the photographs and documentary art in their holdings.

Art Gallery of Ontario

With the grand reopening on November 14 and designed by world-celebrated architect Frank Gehry, the transformed AGO is the imaginative centre of Toronto. Founded in 1900 by a group of private citizens as the Art Museum of Toronto, the Art Gallery of Ontario is one of the largest art museums in North America with more than 68,000 works in its collection.

Assessment Review Board

The Assessment Review Board is an independent adjudicative tribunal whose main function is to hear complaints from people who believe that properties are incorrectly assessed or classified.


Cancer Care Ontario

Cancer Care Ontario is the provincial agency responsible for continually improving cancer services. Formally launched and funded by the provincial government in 1997, Cancer Care Ontario is governed by an act of legislation called The Cancer Act. As an operational service agency of government, Cancer Care Ontario is accountable to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. The details of our relationship with the Ministry are laid out in a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Clean Water Agency

OCWA is an agency of the Province of Ontario mandated to provide safe, reliable and cost effective clean water services to the people of Ontario.

COMPASS – Freeway Traffic Management System

COMPASS is a high-tech Freeway Traffic Management System developed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to respond to traffic congestion problems on urban freeways. COMPASS helps reduce traffic congestion and increase safety by: allowing for the prompt detection and removal of freeway incidents and vehicle breakdowns; providing accurate and timely freeway incident and delay information to motorists; and, effectively managing peak rush hour traffic flow through innovative traffic control devices.

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

The Conflict of Interest Commissioner has key responsibilities for certain conflict of interest and political activity matters under the Public Service of Ontario Act 2006 (PSOA). The PSOA received Royal Assent in December 2006, and is in force on August 20, 2007.



Education Quality and Accountability Office

EQAO ensures greater accountability and better quality in Ontario’s publicly funded school system. An arm’s-length agency of the provincial government, EQAO provides parents, teachers and the public with accurate and reliable information about student achievement. EQAO also makes recommendations for improvement that educators, parents, policy-makers and others in the education community can use to improve learning and teaching.



Financial Services Commission of Ontario

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) protects the public interest and enhances public confidence in regulated sectors by providing regulatory services that protect financial services consumers and pension plan beneficiaries.


Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

The Tribunal’s mandate is to resolve applications brought under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Hydro One

Hydro One is a government-owned commercial enterprise with an independent Board of Directors, providing safe, reliable and cost-effective transmission and distribution of electricity to Ontario electricity users.


Landlord and Tenant Board

The role of the Board (formerly known as the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal) is to provide information about the Residential Tenancies Act and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.

Legal Aid Ontario

In 1998, the Ontario government enacted the Legal Aid Services Act in which the province renewed and strengthened its commitment to legal aid. The Act established Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), an independent but publicly funded and publicly accountable non-profit corporation, to administer the province’s legal aid program.

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

The Legislative Assembly is the governing body which debates and makes laws. It is sometimes referred to as the legislature, or the house.

Liquor Control Board of Ontario

The LCBO is an agency of the provincial government, created under the Liquor Control Act. The LCBO is best known as an alcohol retailer, with over 600 stores throughout the province. It also sets safe and responsible conditions for packaging, warehousing, transporting and selling beverage alcohol.


Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

The Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs develops and coordinates government-wide Aboriginal policy, develops and maintains positive relationships with Aboriginal leaders and organizations, partner ministries and external stakeholders, and negotiates, settles and implements land claims.

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

The vision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is to foster competitive, economically diverse and prosperous agriculture and food sectors and to promote economic development and job creation in rural communities.

Ministry of Children and Youth Services

Ministry of Children and Youth Services was created to make it easier for families to find the services to give kids the best start in life, make it easier for families to access the services they need at all stages of a child’s development, and help youth become productive adults.

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
The Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration is committed to the full participation of all people living in Ontario – such that they enjoy the richness and benefits of life in the province and contribute to their communities. We work in partnership to help individuals and the diverse communities of the province to flourish.

Ministry of Community and Social Services

The goal of the Ministry of Community and Social Services is to build thriving and inclusive communities sustained by the economic and civic contributions of all Ontarians.

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is committed to ensuring that Ontario’s communities are supported and protected by law enforcement and public safety systems that are safe, secure, effective, efficient and accountable.

Ministry of Consumer Services

The Ministry of Consumer Services is here to educate, protect and serve Ontario consumers by ensuring a fair, safe and informed marketplace. The Ministry is dedicated to providing modern information services, as well as regulatory practices that serve the interests of Ontarians while contributing to a competitive economy.

Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education is committed to making Ontario’s publicly funded education system the world’s best, where all students have the opportunity to achieve success.

Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Energy is responsible for promoting the development of a safe, reliable, secure and environmentally sustainable energy supply. This is the foundation for a strong economy and a healthier, cleaner environment in Ontario.

Ministry of Finance

The principal functions of the Ministry are to recommend taxation, fiscal and economic policies, manage provincial finances and develop and allocate the provincial budget.

Ministry of Government Services

MGS plays a very important role in the delivery of government services to the people of Ontario and is responsible for the government’s workforce, procurement and technology resources.

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care provides overall direction and leadership for the system, focusing on planning, and on guiding resources to bring value to the health system.

Ministry of Infrastructure

The Ministry of Infrastructure is the ministry responsible for managing infrastructure planning and priority setting for the Government of Ontario.

Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs

The Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs supports the Premier and other ministries to advance Ontario’s intergovernmental and international priorities.

Ministry of Labour

The Ministry of Labour advances safe, fair and harmonious workplace practices that are essential to the social and economic well-being of the people of Ontario.Through the ministry’s key areas of occupational health and safety, employment rights and responsibilities, labour relations and internal administration, the ministry’s mandate is to set, communicate and enforce workplace standards while encouraging greater workplace self-reliance. A range of specialized agencies, boards and commissions assist the ministry in its work.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s goal is an Ontario made up of safe and strong urban and rural communities with dynamic local economies, abundant greenspace and a quality of life that is second to none.

Ministry of Natural Resources

In partnership with you, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) manages and protects Ontario’s natural resources for wise use across the province. Together we all contribute to the environmental, social and economic well-being of Ontario.

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines serves Northern Ontario and the province’s minerals industry. We deliver provincial government programs and services in Northern Ontario. We also represent northern and mining interests at Queen’s Park.

Ministry of the Attorney General

The Ministry of the Attorney General delivers justice services to Ontarians by: prosecuting crime and preserving public order and personal safety; supporting victims of crime throughout the criminal justice system; providing decision-making and justice support services to vulnerable people; providing criminal, civil and family courts and related justice services that are fair, timely and accessible; providing legal advice and services to government.

Ministry of the Environment

The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for protecting clean and safe air, land and water to ensure healthy communities, ecological protection and sustainable development for present and future generations of Ontarians.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport supports delivery of high quality tourism and recreation experiences to Ontarians and visitors to Ontario. The ministry also encourages the arts and cultural industries, protects Ontario’s heritage and advances the public library system.

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities ensures Ontario has an excellent system to give people a high-quality education and a solid foundation of relevant skills and training so they can get good jobs and improve the competitiveness of Ontario’s economy. Choose from university and college programs, apprenticeships and many other kinds of training and education.

Ministry of Transportation

The Ministry of Transportation is committed to creating a balanced and effective transportation system that supports strong communities that offer a high quality of life.


Office of the Employer Advisor

The OEA is an independent agency of the Ministry of Labour and has been helping Ontario employers manage their workplace safety and insurance costs, since 1985. We provide expert advice to any size employer; including mediation, negotiation, and representation throughout the workplace safety and insurance system to employers who primarily employ fewer than 100 employees.

Office of the French Language Services Commissioner

The Office of the French Language Services Commissioner ensures compliance with the French Language Services Act in the delivery of government services. It has a mandate to conduct independent investigations, either in response to complaints or on its own initiative, to prepare reports on its investigations, and to monitor the progress made by government agencies in the delivery of French-language services in Ontario.

Ombudsman of Ontario

The Ombudsman of Ontario is an Officer of the Provincial Legislature who is independent of government and political parties. The Ombudsman’s job is to ensure government accountability through effective oversight of the administration of government services.

Ontario Arts Council (OAC)

Ontario Arts Council offers more than fifty funding programs for Ontario-based artists and arts organizations, with funds from the Ontario government.

Ontario Civilian Police Commission

The Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC) is an independent oversight agency committed to serving the public by ensuring that adequate and effective policing services are provided to the community in a fair and accountable manner.

Ontario Educational Communications Authority (TV Ontario)

TVO is Ontario’s public educational media organization and a trusted source of interactive educational content that informs, inspires, and stimulates curiosity and thought.

Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation

The Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC) is one of five corporations established by the Electricity Act, 1998. Under the Electricity Act, the former Ontario Hydro was restructured into Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG), Hydro One Inc. (Hydro One), the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) and the OEFC. The OEFC retains the services of the Ontario Financing Authority (OFA) and the Ministry of Revenue to carry out its daily operations on a cost-recovery basis. The OFA is the agency of the Province of Ontario responsible for provincial borrowing and debt management.

Ontario Financing Authority

The Ontario Financing Authority (OFA) is an agency of the Province of Ontario that manages the Province’s debt and borrowing program. The OFA is governed by a Board of Directors that reports to the Minister of Finance.

Ontario Government Ministries

Learn about the major roles and responsibilities of Ontario’s ministries, meet the ministers and connect to related websites.

Ontario Highway Transport Board

The Board is constituted by virtue of and in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Highway Transport Board Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.19. It operates as a quasi judicial administrative tribunal. The Board controls entry and maintains an orderly development in the business of transporting passengers for compensation in public vehicles, both within Ontario and to other jurisdictions.

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Ontario’s Human Rights Code, the first in Canada, was enacted in 1962. The Code protects people in Ontario against discrimination in employment, accommodation, goods, services and facilities, and membership in vocational associations and trade unions. There are fifteen grounds of discrimination under the Code: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed (religion), sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family status, receipt of public assistance and record of offences. The Ontario Human Rights Commission was established in 1961 to administer the Code. The Commission is an arm’s length agency of government accountable to the people of Ontario through the legislature.

Ontario Labour Relations Board

The Ontario Labour Relations Board is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal mandated to mediate and adjudicate a variety of employment and labour relations-related matters under a number of Ontario statutes.

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) is a provincial agency operating and managing province-wide lotteries, casinos and slots facilities at horse racing tracks.

Ontario Media Development Corporation

Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture that facilitates economic development opportunities for Ontario’s cultural media industries including book publishing, film and television, interactive digital media, magazine publishing, and music industries.

Ontario Municipal Board

The OMB hears applications and appeals on: Land use planning under the Planning Act and other legislation; financial issues related to development charges, land expropriation, municipal finance and other legislated financial areas; Municipal issues as legislated under the OMB Act and other legislation; other issues assigned to the Board by Provincial Statute.

Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board

The Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board as part of the Canadian criminal justice system has legislated authority to grant supervised conditional release to adult offenders sentenced to Ontario provincial correctional institutions. The Board, which has representatives from the community, welcomes input from all sources, including victims of crime, in making independent, fair and objective decisions. It pursues its primary goal of protecting the public by releasing only those offenders considered to be a manageable risk.

Ontario Power Authority (OPA)

The Ontario Power Authority plans and procures electricity supply from diverse resources and facilitates the measures needed to achieve ambitious conservation targets, ensuring that electricity needs are met for the benefit of Ontario both now and in the future.

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)

As an organization, the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) commits to working continually to earn the confidence of the citizens of and visitors to Ontario. The O.P.P. fulfills this commitment by providing the best and most professional service, possible, and by striving to build a culture of trust, and open and honest dialogue, with the communities it serves and among the people it employs.

Ontario Science Centre

Since its opening September 26, 1969, the Ontario Science Centre has been a pioneer in creating interactive experiences that make science accessible. It has attracted over 40 million visitors from around the world and is one of Canada’s most visited attractions.

Ontario Securities Commission

The Ontario Securities Commission administers and enforces securities legislation in the Province of Ontario, fostering confidence in fair and efficient capital markets by providing protection to investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices.

Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat

The Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat influences and supports policy development across all government activities on behalf of Ontario’s seniors.

Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), one of Canada’s leading grantmaking foundations, is an agency of the Government of Ontario. Our vision: The Ontario Trillium Foundation is a catalyst that enables Ontarians to work together to enhance the quality of life in their communities. We believe that communities across Ontario are rich in talent, creativity and drive, and our grants stimulate communities to build on these assets. Our mission: Building healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario by strengthening the capacity of the voluntary sector, through investments in community-based initiatives.

Premier of Ontario

Office of the Premier

Public Appointments Secretariat

About 4,300 Ontarians serve the province by sitting on almost 630 agencies, boards and commissions.


Quarter Century Club

The government, in partnership with the Quarter Century Club, has honoured long-service employees since 1945. As a member or associate member you have the opportunity to participate in any of the voluntary services the Club offers.


Royal Ontario Museum

The Royal Ontario Museum is among the world’s leading museums of natural history, and of world cultures. On this website, you have access to thousands of photographs and summaries from the ROM’s collections, results of its research activities, information on current programs and exhibitions, and means to download information, watch podcasts and purchase tickets to the museum and its events.


Science North

Science North is a science centre and family attraction that opened in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada in 1984 and has since welcomed millions of visitors from around the world.



Walkerton Clean Water Centre

The Walkerton Clean Water Centre is a world-class institute dedicated to ensuring that training and education about drinking water quality is available and accessible to owners and operators of Ontario’s drinking water systems, especially to those serving small and remote communities.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) promotes workplace health and safety, and provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario. There is extensive information on this site about prevention, forms, health issues, return to work programs, and links to other health and safety organizations.


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