In Ontario, there are different types of driver’s records that provide specific information about a person’s driving history:
- 3-Year Driver’s Record
- Driver’s Licence History
- 5-Year Driver’s Record
- Extended Driver’s Record
- Complete / Freedom of Information Driver’s Record
Certified and Uncertified Driver’s Records
There are two types of driver’s records – certified and uncertified. They are identical in content. The only difference is that certified version includes an embossed seal from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. It is often required for court and other legal purposes.
Information Included in a Driver’s Record
The 3 year, Driver’s licence history, 5 year, Extended and Complete/Freedom of Information include the following driver identification details:
- name (as it appears on the driver’s licence)
- driver’s licence number
- date of birth
- sex
- height
- class (G, M, etc.)
- conditions and endorsements (for example, requirement to wear glasses or contact lenses to drive, ability to drive a vehicle with air-breaks, etc.)
- status (for example, licensed, unlicensed, suspended)
- earliest licence date available, and
- expiry date
For the privacy protection reason, the driver’s residential address is not included in most records.
3-Year Driver’s Record
The 3-year uncertified driver’s record is the most frequently requested type.
Situations of when a 3-year driver’s record may be required
It can be ordered:
- by employers requesting the record of a potential employee who will be driving a company vehicle
- if you’re applying to drive in another province/territory or country outside Ontario
What is included in a 3-year driver’s record
It shows the following:
- driver identification details
- demerit point total
- active fine suspensions, Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions and reinstatements over the past 3 years (reinstatements may not appear for all suspensions, for example, previous fine suspensions)
It does not show expired medical suspensions
Who can order a 3-year driver’s record
Anyone can order this record as long as they provide a driver’s licence number.
Driver’s Licence History
Situations of when a driver’s licence history may be required
It can be ordered:
- when your insurance company wants to see that you’ve completed a driving-education course to lower insurance rates
- to confirm a driver’s address in court
What is included in a driver’s licence history
The driver’s licence history shows:
- driver identification details
- Ontario Beginner Driver Education course completion
- a list of current and all residential addresses recorded on the record (will not appear if ordered in person at a ServiceOntario centre and printed immediately)
- all driver’s licence replacements, renewals, class changes and any other changes
Who can order a driver’s licence history
A driver’s licence history can only be ordered by the driver themselves, a Canadian law-enforcement agency or by court order.
5-Year Driver’s Record
Situations of when a 5-year driver’s record may be required
It can be ordered:
- when your insurance company wants to verify longer-term driving experience
- if you’re applying to drive in another province/territory or country outside Ontario
What is included in a 5-year driver’s record
This record shows:
- driver identification details
- Highway Traffic Act convictions, suspensions and reinstatements over the past 3 years and Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions and reinstatements over the past 5 years
- demerit point total
Who can order a 5-year driver’s record
It can only be ordered by the driver themselves, a lawyer or a Canadian law-enforcement agency.
Extended Driver’s Record
Situations of when an extended driver’s record may be required
It can be ordered:
- to show longer-term driving history
- for legal reasons
What is included in an extended driver’s record
This record shows:
- driver identification details
- Highway Traffic Act convictions, suspensions and reinstatements over the past 3 years and all Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions and reinstatements as far back as available
- demerit point total
Who can order an extended driver’s record
It can only be ordered by the driver themselves, a Canadian law-enforcement agency or the Crown Attorney’s office.
Complete Driver’s Record
Situations of when a complete driver’s record may be required
This record is also called a Freedom of Information driver’s record. It can be ordered for legal reasons to show complete driving history and other licencing details.
What is included in a complete driver’s record
This record shows:
- driver identification details
- all Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code of Canada convictions, suspensions and reinstatements as far back as available
- all collisions
- a list of all residential addresses recorded on the record
- driver’s licence replacements, renewals, class changes and any other changes
- demerit point total
Who can order a complete driver’s record
It can only be ordered by the driver themselves or the Crown Attorney’s office.
How to Order a Driver’s Record or Product
The following uncertified or certified driver’s records or product can be ordered online:
- 3-Year Driver’s Record
- Driver’s Licence History
- 5-Year Driver’s Record
The following driver’s records or product can NOT be ordered online:
- Extended Driver’s Record
- Complete / Freedom of Information Driver’s Record
Visit a ServiceOntario centre near you
Fill out a Record Search Application form and fax it to 416-235-4009
Fill out a Record Search Application form and mail it to:
- Ministry of Transportation
- Licensing Administration and Support Office
- Information and Data Retrieval Unit
- 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Room 158-D
- Toronto, ON, M3M 0B4
- 3-Year Driver’s Record
- Driver’s Licence History
- 5-Year Driver’s Record
- Extended Driver’s Record
The costs for the above mentioned driver’s records or product are the following:
- Uncertified Driver’s Record – $12
- Certified Driver’s Record – $18
The costs for the Complete / Freedom of Information Driver’s Record are
- Uncertified Driver’s Record – $48
- Certified Driver’s Record – $54
Payment methods
You can pay by:
- Visa and Mastercard regardless of how you order a driver’s record or product
- interact but only if you order the record online
- debit, cash, certified cheque or money order (made payable to the Minister of Finance/MTO) if you order the 3-year driving record in-person
- a regular (uncertified) cheque, made payable to the Minister of Finance/MTO if you order it by mail
- Certified records will be mailed to you in 10-15 business days, regardless of how you ordered it.
- Uncertified records will be delivered to you in the following way:
- online orders can be printed immediately as a PDF
- in-person orders, you will receive the record immediately, in paper format
- fax or mail orders will be sent to you in 10-15 business days, regardless of how you ordered it
Copies of Driver Documents
This is not a driver’s record.
Copies of driver documents can include all documents filed with the ministry including driver’s licence original, replacement and renewal (prior to April 2005) applications, conviction reports, suspension notices, etc.
Anyone can order copies of driver documents as long as they can provide the driver’s licence number and details such as the date and name of the document being ordered.
For more information or to order a driver’s record or product online please visit the official ServiceOntario website at