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Learning a musical instrument has loads of benefits, including a confidence boost as you tackle and master new techniques, improved focus and concentration levels, a better memory and more social contact if you learn and/or play with others. But which is the best one for you to learn?

Musical Instruments - what are the best ones to learn in 2019?How to choose the best musical instrument to learn

This are no cookie-cutter answers to this question as it really depends on a range of factors. The simplest way to narrow down choices is to look at each instrument in the following way.

The ‘best’ instrument is one that:

  • Is affordable.
  • There are enough people around who can teach it. (Unusual instruments may make finding a teacher difficult.)
  • Is practical to play at home for practice. Or there is reasonable access to one for practice
  • Appeals – without passion and motivation learning anything is a challenge.
  • Makes music you already enjoy listening to. Important as you’ll be hearing it s awful lot!
  • Will meet your long term goals. Budding pop-band members may not get far with a violin but orchestra fans would.
  • Can be learned well within the time you have spare to devote to it.
  • Suits your physical abilities. Saxophones could be tricky for anyone with breathing issues.

Bearing those points in mind here’s a list of the ten most popular instruments at the moment in no particular order.

Musical Instruments - what are the best ones to learn in 2019? AllOntarioThe current popular instruments for children

  • Piano – the most popular starting point for children aged 4+.
  • Drums – full or starter 5-piece sets are great for children aged 10 and up.
  • Double bass – smaller scale instruments are available, best for those over 10.
  • Trombone – small scale or plastic trombones are available for children aged 6 or over.
  • Flute – good for ages 10 up, flutes come in various sizes.
  • Violin – children can learn the violin from aged 4, it’s the perfect size.
  • Cello – as it is played seated kids over 6 can get started with a cello.
  • Maracas – 2 year olds can shake these and develop an interest in music.
  • Xylophone – suitable for aged 3+ as an introduction to music.
  • Guitar – a good first stringed instrument, suitable for ages 5+.

Musical Instruments - what are the best ones to learn in 2019? AllOntarioThe current popular easy instruments for adults

  • Ukulele – it’s cheap to buy, very easy to learn, very portable and a good stepping stone for learning the guitar later.
  • Harmonica – you can play many styles of music and sound good from the start, plus they are small so easy to carry around and practice with.
  • Bongos – less complicated than the drums but just as satisfying to play.
  • Piano –If you can use a keyboard you can learn the piano, plus teachers are plentiful
  • Glockenspiel – not just for school children, the metal bars make pleasant music and are fun to play.

Whatever your age or musical preferences learning to play an instrument will add nothing but riches to your life. It may take a little commitment and work at first but once you begin to develop this passion for music, you’ll realize it was totally worth it.

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